About the Equity Action Project


What is the Equity Action Project (EAP)? 

The EAP (Equity Action Project) began as a 7-week REI (race, equity, and inclusion) training. After listening to the needs of the training alumni and the community, the EAP has adapted and expanded to now include: the EAP Alumni Network, the Equity Speaker Series, and individual organizational trainings.

Race, Equity, and Inclusion (REI) Training

The REI training program was created to improve the knowledge around DEI and race equity practices for organizations within our valley. These trainings provided support for the participating organizations to develop culturally-relevant services informed by cultural humility, assist with the diversification of positions of leadership, and empower community members to advocate for anti-racism and social justice in all situations of their lives.

After completing eight cohorts over the course of two years, we will be shifting our focus towards ongoing alumni support and community engagement.

The EAP alumni network

The EAP Alumni Network will include over 150 individuals from 31 organizations by the end of 2022. The Alumni Network aims to:

  • Bring in equity and anti-racism consultants to connect with alumni and bring in new information and support with the implementation of organizational DEI initiatives.

  • Provide ongoing learning opportunities for alumni to continue growing and finding ways to implement equity within their organizations.

  • Create a space for equity advocates to come together, share resources, and connect to learn from one another.

The Equity Speaker Series

Since the REI training was focused on organizations, the Equity Speaker Series was created to engage the broader community in conversations around equity and anti-racism. Through our partnership with TACAW, we have brought in poets, researchers, filmmakers, and activists to speak on their lived experiences and expertise.

All events are free and open to the public. We invite everyone in the region to reflect on these stories and explore how we can all practice greater cultural humility and equity in our personal and professional lives. Please visit our Equity Speaker Series page for more information and upcoming events!

individual organization Trainings

There is a clear gap in our rural communities around the availability and accessibility of local anti-racism facilitators, consultants and experts. Given this, the EAP Manager has begun offering organizational trainings on topics such as: defining DEI, gender identity & gender pronouns, Chicano, Hispanic, & Latino/x identity exploration, introduction to implicit bias, intersectionality, microaggressions, and more.

Please contact Bryan if you would like to schedule a consultation.